MEDINAH, Ill. -- Phil Mickelson had a hasty start to the final round of the BMW Championship on Sunday, arriving at Medinah Country Club less than 40 minutes prior to his tee time, changing his shoes in the parking lot and scrambling to get warmed up.
Mickelson had been locked out of his nearby hotel room for 90 minutes because of a lightning strike that caused a fire and an evacuation. He tweeted about the circumstances and feared he might miss his tee time.
How's this for crazy? My hotel was struck by lighting, I was on top floor,we were evacuated and the place is on fire(only thing of mine on fire this week.) I can't get back into my room and may miss my tee time because I am without clubs and clothes.
— Phil Mickelson (@PhilMickelson) August 18, 2019
Mickelson, 49, credited the power of social media with helping him make it. The PGA Tour got involved, as did local police. Mickelson's brother and caddie, Tim Mickelson, said Phil was soon allowed back into his room and would make the tee time. He was staying at the Eaglewood Resort & Spa hotel in Itasca, Illinois, adjacent to Medinah Country Club, so his journey was not far.
He was scheduled to tee off at 11:52 a.m. ET off the 10th tee, which is a considerable distance from the clubhouse and parking lot. He only had time to swing a weighted club in the parking lot, then to hit a few drivers and chips on the range before heading to the course.
Mickelson tweeted again that the "EMT's were awesome and I'm going to make it," and then joked that his clubs "acted as a fire retardant."