40th Tulsa Shootout Fires Off Tuesday
Written by I Dig Sports
TULSA, Okla. The most wonderful time of the year is an understatement for those who will make the trip to Tulsa for their shot at glory as teams converge on the SageNet Center at Expo Square for the 40th annual Smileys Racing Products Tulsa Shootout powered by NOS Energy Drink.
Kicking off with cars on track on Dec. 31, the Tulsa Shootout will be the final circle track event contested in the United States during the 2024 calendar year and the first for the 2025 season.
Leading up to the event, the task of getting rigs, cars, and people into the SageNet Center begins at Noon on Dec. 29 and continues through Dec. 30. Teams will also draw to set their Heat Races during the move-in process on Dec. 30, with registration also reopening.
Going into the 40th edition of the Mecca of Micros the entry count is 1,653 among 697 drivers from 43 states and three countries. The current record is 1,752 entries received for the 2024 event. Of those, 1,698 were confirmed. The number of entries has exceeded the millennium mark since 2015.
Practice the morning of Dec. 31 will give way to racing that evening, with action back on track each day at 9:00 A.M. (CT) through Jan. 4. A total of six Golden Drillers are up for grabs.
The tentative daily running order for the 40th annual Smileys Racing Products Tulsa Shootout powered by NOS Energy Drink is as follows. The number of races will be determined at the close of draw on Dec. 31.
The Schedule
Dec. 31
Non-Wing Practice
Non-Wing Outlaw Practice
Restricted Practice
Outlaw Practice
Jr Sprint Practice
A Class Practice
Track Prep
Outlaw Heats (8 Laps)
Jan. 1
Non-Wing Outlaw Heats (8 Laps)
Restricted Heats (8 Laps)
A Class Heats (8 Laps)
Jr Sprint Heats (8 Laps)
Outlaw Ds (10 Laps)
Outlaw Cs (10 Laps)
Jan. 2
Non-Wing Heats (8 Laps)
Jr Sprint Qualifiers (10 Laps)
Non-Wing Outlaw Es (8 Laps)
Non-Wing Outlaw Ds (10 Laps)
Non-Wing Outlaw Cs (10 Laps)
A Class Es (8 Laps)
A Class Ds (10 Laps)
A Class Cs (10 Laps)
Jan. 3
Non-Wing Es (8 Laps)
Non-Wing Ds (10 Laps)
Non-Wing Cs (10 Laps)
Non-Wing Outlaw Qualifiers (10 Laps)
Jr Sprint Cs (10 Laps)
Jr Sprint Bs (10 Laps)
Non-Wing Qualifiers (10 Laps)
Restricted Qualifiers (10 Laps)
Outlaw Qualifiers (10 Laps)
A Class Qualifiers (10 Laps)
Jan. 4
Non-Wing Bs (12 Laps)
Non-Wing Outlaw Bs (12 Laps)
Restricted Bs (12 Laps)
Outlaw Bs (12 Laps)
A Class Bs (12 Laps)
Non-Wing LCQ (12 Laps)
Non-Wing Outlaw LCQ (12 Laps)
Restricted LCQ (12 Laps)
A Class LCQ (12 Laps)
Outlaw LCQ (12 Laps)
Non-Wing A (30 Laps)
Jr Sprint A (20 Laps)
Outlaw A (30 Laps)
Restricted A (25 Laps)
A Class A (30 Laps)
NW Outlaw A (55 Laps)
The Format
Outlaw, Non-Wing Outlaw, A Class & Non-Wing
Heat Races lined up according to draw (8-10 cars per heat), passing points in effect.
Top 112 in passing points from Heat Races advance to 8 Qualifying Races (14 cars each) with a four-car inversion in effect for each Qualifying Race. Thus, high point driver from Heat Races will start fourth in the First Qualifier and so on (top 32 make invert 33rd on back start third row and back in Qualifiers).
Passing points in qualifying races as well.
Top 16 in combined passing points from Heats & Qualifiers advance to Sunday nights A Main. Those 17th to 112th in combined passing points lock into 8 B Mains.
113th through 208th after heat races to eight (8) C Mains), 209th to 304th to 8 D Mains (4 in Winged Outlaw) with 305th and back to 8 E Mains. Top two from each E Main transfers to D Mains, top two from each D Main (top 4 Winged Outlaw) transfer to C Mains, top two from each C Main transfer to B Mains, top two from each B Main transfer to Sunday nights A Feature Qualifier. B Main winners earn positions 1-8 in LCQ lineup up in order of combined Heat and Qualifying Race points, B Main runners-up earn positions 9-16 in LCQ lineup in order of combined Heat and Qualifying Race points.
Top 8 from A Feature Qualifier advance to Tulsa Shootout Championship A Main event.
Restricted A Class
Heat Races lined up according to draw (7-9 cars per heat), passing points in effect.
Top 72 in passing points from Heat Races advance to 6 Qualifying Races (12 cars each) with a four-car inversion in effect for each Qualifying Race. Thus, high point driver from Heat Races will start fourth in the First Qualifier and so on (top 24 make invert 25th on back start third row and back in Qualifiers).
Passing points in Qualifying Races as well.
Top 16 in combined passing points from Heats & Qualifiers advance to Sunday nights A Main. Balance to 6 B Mains, 73rd on back from heat race passing points to 6 C Mains. Top three finishers from each C Main advance to B Mains, top three finishers from each B Main advance to Sunday nights A Feature Qualifier. B Main winners earn positions 1-6 in LCQ lineup up in order of combined Heat and Qualifying Race points, B Main runners-up earn positions 7-12 in LCQ lineup in order of combined Heat and Qualifying Race points, B Main third-place finishers earn positions 13-18 in LCQ lineup in order of combined Heat and Qualifying Race points.
Top 8 from A Feature Qualifier advance to Tulsa Shootout Championship A Main event.
Jr. Sprint
Heat Races lined up according to draw (7-9 cars per heat), passing points in effect.
Top 60 in points to 6 Qualifying Races (10 cars each) with a four-car inversion in effect for each Qualifying Race. Thus, high point driver from Heat Races will start fourth in the First Qualifier and so on (top 24 make invert 25th on back start third row and back in Qualifiers).
Passing points in Qualifying Races as well.
Top 12 in combined passing points from Heats & Qualifiers advance to Sunday nights A Main, 13th to 60th in passing points to 4 B Mains, 61st on back from heat race passing points to 4 C Mains. Top two finishers from C Mains transfer to B Mains, top two finishers from each of the four B Mains to Sunday nights A Main.